The Museum – spotlights the work of the Future Architecture platform members themselves.
The book includes contributions from institutions, to research and education platforms, festivals and publishers. It maps their work communicating new and innovative thought and practice, highlighting the strategies they use and the programmes run to support this.
Rob Wilson, George Kafka, Sophie Lovell, Fiona Shipwright and Florian Heilmeyer
art direction
Diana Portela
Diana Portela with Janar Siniloo and Lena Giovanazzi
picture research
Diana Portela and George Kafka
Steering the dialogue are current practitioners and thinkers including Socks Studio, Andreas Ruby, Nick Axel and Léa-Catherine Szacka.
also in this series:
The Museum – spotlights the work of the Future Architecture platform members themselves.
The book includes contributions from institutions, to research and education platforms, festivals and publishers. It maps their work communicating new and innovative thought and practice, highlighting the strategies they use and the programmes run to support this.
Rob Wilson, George Kafka, Sophie Lovell, Fiona Shipwright and Florian Heilmeyer
art direction
Diana Portela
Diana Portela with Janar Siniloo and Lena Giovanazzi
picture research
Diana Portela and George Kafka
Steering the dialogue are current practitioners and thinkers including Socks Studio, Andreas Ruby, Nick Axel and Léa-Catherine Szacka.
also in this series:
previous counter cookie cutter culture
next sonic urbanism