The second volume – The Studio – presents a thoughtful selection of theories shaping the future of architecture today: from reflections upon what our ideas of future really mean to the changing role of the architecture profession as a whole.
Rob Wilson, George Kafka, Sophie Lovell, Fiona Shipwright and Florian Heilmeyer
art direction
Diana Portela
Diana Portela with Janar Siniloo and Lena Giovanazzi
Amateur Cities, Cristina Ampatzidou, Merve Bedir, Clément Blanchet, Shumi Bose, Reinier de Graaf, Ana Jeinić, Miloš Kosec, Ania Molenda, Something Fantastic, Leonard Streich, Tomaž Pipan, Davide Tommaso Ferrando, Tiago Torres-Campos and Liam Young
Amateur Cities, Cristina Ampatzidou, Merve Bedir, Clément Blanchet, Shumi Bose, Reinier de Graaf, Ana Jeinić, Miloš Kosec, Ania Molenda, Something Fantastic, Leonard Streich, Tomaž Pipan, Davide Tommaso Ferrando, Tiago Torres-Campos and Liam Young
also in this series:
The second volume – The Studio – presents a thoughtful selection of theories shaping the future of architecture today: from reflections upon what our ideas of future really mean to the changing role of the architecture profession as a whole.
Rob Wilson, George Kafka, Sophie Lovell, Fiona Shipwright and Florian Heilmeyer
art direction
Diana Portela
Diana Portela with Janar Siniloo and Lena Giovanazzi
Amateur Cities, Cristina Ampatzidou, Merve Bedir, Clément Blanchet, Shumi Bose, Reinier de Graaf, Ana Jeinić, Miloš Kosec, Ania Molenda, Something Fantastic, Leonard Streich, Tomaž Pipan, Davide Tommaso Ferrando, Tiago Torres-Campos and Liam Young
also in this series:
previous counter cookie cutter culture
next sonic urbanism